
This site is about the stuff I build and to share some of the background information on projects I have done or that I am working on.

3 Responses to About

  1. Toresen Golberg says:

    In regards to your Burning Man RGB LED Suit.

    I’m very interested in building one of these suits for myself!
    I’m a third year Electrical Engineering student and find this stuff amazing!
    I have all the parts and have controlled a bunch of LEDs before but never this model.

    I was wondering if you could tell me which factory or online store you bought your LEDs from. You mentioned in your Burning Man RGB LED Suit blog post “I found a factory in China that actually sold addressable modules that had 3 5050 smd LED’s on them and that would enable you to control these modules individually…” I would like to make a summer project out of this idea and was hoping I could get some pointers as well from you as to how to go about perfecting this project?

    Thank you for your time, and I hope to hear from you soon, even though I guess this is about two years later from you creating your own suit.


  2. KJ says:

    Hi Sander,
    Hope this e-note finds you well. I found your Lighted Telephone project through a makers site and think your lamp is brilliant. The idea and execution are fantastic!
    As a writer who tells magical realism and fantasy stories, it would be wonderful to have a desk lamp like this to light and inspire me as I work.
    I was wondering if you take commissions and if you would be interested in building a similar telephone lamp.

    Thanks for your time and hope to hear from you!


    • admin says:

      Hi Kj, Thanks for your kind words. I have not considered taking commissions yet. The phone is quite old (45 years) and these can be difficult to source. Also the amount of work involved in building this and the (I imagine) steep shipping cost may make it rather expensive to do, however not impossible.

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